5 Herbs to Give Your Brain an All Natural Memory Boost
You’ve got a lot on your mind, and sometimes it can be hard to keep it there. Finding ways to give your brain a boost is all the rage these days, and that means there’s a lot of misinformation flying around. We’re here to set the record straight about five herbal memory enhancers with a proven track record.
1. Gotu kola
Found throughout China, the Asia-Pacific region, and even in South Africa, this member of the parsley family has memory-enhancing medicine in its leaves and stems. Gotu kola is used as a traditional rememdy for a variety of ailments and a natural memory booster, and one recent study found that Gotu kola extract might slow or even prevent the neuron breakdown seen in Alzheimer’s and other cognitive conditions.
2. Bacopa monnieri/Brahmi
Ayurveda—traditional Indian medicine—is a great source for herbs and other natural medicines impacting mental clarity and cognitive function. Brahmi or Bacopa monnieri is one ancient Ayurvedic memory booster whose reputation has been upheld by modern science. Significant improvements in recall, memory acquisition, and verbal learning were all seen in an Australian study, though some tummy discomfort was reported.
3. Withania somnifera/Ashwagandha
Withania somnifera—ashwagandha in the Ayurvedic tradition—is a root with a variety of medicinal uses, including several related to memory: improved mental clarity, stress reduction (stress makes learning and forming/accessing memories difficult), and treatment of neurological diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. A study of rats with Alzheimer’s-like symptoms showed direct and significant improvements in memory after being given Withania somnifera extract.
4. Ginseng
Another miracle herb, ginseng is one of the roots (pun intended) of Chinese medicine. In addition to its demonstrable efficacy in relieving cold and flu symptoms, improving heart health, and increasing physical endurance, ginseng increases alertness and learning ability, and there’s emerging evidence that it improves other cognitive functions like arithmetic and concentration. A study published just this year confirmed ginseng’s memory-enhancing effects, too.
5. Rhodiola
Used to improve memory and treat fatigue in Russia, Scandinavia, and other parts of Western Europe since at least the Middle Ages, Rhodiola is making a comeback in the herbal remedy world, and with good reason. From memory improvements in healthy adults to combatting the effects of dementia, this herb is one smart cookie when it comes to boosting your memory. You might want to take it earlier in the day, as it can increase your alertness in addition to focusing your mind and memory.
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